Auspicious Timing for Work (February 15-19)फरवरी कार्य के शुभ समय-शुभ लग्न - हजारों दोष समाप्त ,श्रेष्ठ मुहूर्त
============ Auspicious Timing for Work (February 15-19)
According to Muhurat Chintamani, a strong and auspicious ascendant eliminates thousands of defects, creating an excellent muhurat.
📅 February 10-13 - Auspicious Timings for Special Tasks
⏳ Abhijit Muhurat: 12:14 PM - 12:50 PM
🔹 1️⃣ Unstable Nature Tasks (for a Fixed Duration)
📅 Auspicious Time: 09:59 AM - 11:15 AM
📝 Tasks: Travel, agreements, new clothes & jewelry, land-related work, risky ventures, tilak, felicitations
🚫 Restricted Zodiac Signs: Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn, Aries, Aquarius
🔹 2️⃣ Unstable Nature Tasks (Related to Service & Writing)
📅 Auspicious Time: 04:09 PM - 05:40 PM
📝 Tasks: Reservoir construction, reputation-related work, painting, writing, creating a CV, service, charity, applications
🚫 Restricted Zodiac Signs: Leo, Sagittarius
🔹 3️⃣ Stable Nature Tasks (Related to Job & Business)
📅 Auspicious Time: 06:08 PM - 07:42 PM
📝 Tasks: Job applications, marketing, shop-related work, buying & selling clothes, service
🚫 Restricted Zodiac Signs: Capricorn
🔹 4️⃣ Unstable & Stable Nature Tasks (Related to Education & Medicine)
📅 Auspicious Time: 08:15 PM - 09:45 PM
📝 Tasks: Starting education, medicine preparation, academics, auspicious events
🚫 Restricted Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
🔹 5️⃣ Stable Ascendant (For Job & Confidential Work)
📅 Auspicious Time: 12:17 AM - 02:05 AM
📝 Tasks: Tilak, joining a job, secret tasks, service, charity
🚫 Restricted Zodiac Signs: Aries, Sagittarius, Capricorn
🔹 6️⃣ Unstable & Stable Nature Tasks (Related to Animal Husbandry & Agriculture)
📅 Auspicious Time: 02:31 AM - 04:15 AM
📝 Tasks: Animal husbandry, agriculture, yajna
✅ Suitable for all zodiac signs
🔹 8️⃣ Unstable Nature Tasks (Related to Weapons & Water Activities)
📅 Auspicious Time: 04:40 AM - 06:07 AM
📝 Tasks: Weapons, explosives, water-related activities
🚫 Restricted Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Aquarius
📌 Conclusion:
✅ According to Muhurat Chintamani, a strong ascendant and favorable planetary alignments eliminate thousands of defects, creating an excellent muhurat.
📞 For Special Astrological Consultation:
🪔 V.K. Tiwari, Bangalore
📲 9424446706
📌 मुहूर्त चिंतामणि के अनुसार, बली शुभ लग्न - हजारों दोष समाप्त ,श्रेष्ठ मुहूर्त निर्मित है।
============ फरवरी 16-19 - कार्य के शुभ समय-
📅 फरवरी 10-13 - विशेष कार्यों के लिए शुभ समय
अभिजित -12:14 - से 12:50
🔹 1️⃣ अस्थिर प्रकृति कार्य (निश्चित समय तक)
📅 शुभ समय: 09:59 - 11:15
📝 कार्य: यात्रा, एग्रीमेंट, नए वस्त्र-आभूषण, भूमि कार्य, जोखिम भरे कार्य, तिलक, अभिनंदन
🚫 निषिद्ध राशियाँ: कन्या, वृष, मकर, मेष, कुम्भ
🔹 2️⃣ अस्थिर प्रकृति कार्य (सेवा और लेखन संबंधित)
📅 शुभ समय: 16:09 - 17:40
📝 कार्य: जलाशय निर्माण, प्रतिष्ठा, चित्रकला, लेखन, CV बनाना, सेवा, दान, आवेदन
🚫 निषिद्ध राशियाँ: सिंह, धनु
🔹 3️⃣ स्थिर कार्य (नौकरी एवं व्यापार संबंधित)
📅 शुभ समय: 18:08 - 19:42
📝 कार्य: नौकरी आवेदन, मार्केटिंग, दुकान, वस्त्र क्रय-विक्रय, सेवा
🚫 निषिद्ध राशियाँ: मकर
🔹 4️⃣ अस्थिर एवं स्थिर कार्य (शिक्षा एवं चिकित्सा संबंधित)
📅 शुभ समय: 20:15 - 21:45
📝 कार्य: विद्यारंभ, औषधि निर्माण, शिक्षा, मंगल कार्य
🚫 निषिद्ध राशियाँ: मिथुन, तुला, कुम्भ
🔹 5️⃣ स्थिर लग्न (नौकरी एवं गोपनीय कार्य)
📅 शुभ समय: 00:17 - 02:05
📝 कार्य: तिलक, नौकरी ज्वाइन, गुप्त कार्य, सेवा, दान
🚫 निषिद्ध राशियाँ: मेष, धनु, मकर
🔹 6️⃣ अस्थिर एवं स्थिर कार्य (पशुपालन एवं कृषि)
📅 शुभ समय: 02:31 - 04:15
📝 कार्य: पशुपालन, कृषि, यज्ञ
✅ सभी राशियों के लिए उपयुक्त
🔹 8️⃣ अस्थिर प्रकृति कार्य (अस्त्र-शस्त्र एवं जल संबंधी कार्य)
📅 शुभ समय: 04:40- 06:07
📝 कार्य: अस्त्र-शस्त्र, बारूद, जल संबंधी कार्य
🚫 निषिद्ध राशियाँ: मिथुन, कुम्भ
📌 निष्कर्ष:
✅ मुहूर्त चिंतामणि के अनुसार, बलवान लग्न एवं शुभ योगों से हजारों दोष समाप्त कर श्रेष्ठ मुहूर्त निर्मित किया है।
📞 विशेष ज्योतिष परामर्श हेतु:
🪔 V.K. Tiwari, Bangalore
📲 9424446706
Reference: The Importance of Lagna (Ascendant) in Muhurta Chintamani
In Muhurta Shastra, the ascendant (Lagna) holds supreme importance. After verifying the Panchanga (Hindu almanac), Lagna Shuddhi (purification of the ascendant) is necessary for any auspicious work. If a strong ascendant and benefic yogas are present, thousands of doshas can be removed.
📌 According to Muhurta Chintamani, in a 24-hour period, only 4 to 8 truly auspicious muhurtas exist, which must be selected based on an individual’s birth chart.
Auspicious and Inauspicious Muhurta Calculation – Based on the Sutras of Muhurta Chintamani
The Muhurta Chintamani emphasizes the importance of choosing an auspicious moment free from defects (dosha-mukt muhurta) for performing any significant task. Based on the following principles, an auspicious and defect-free muhurta can be determined:
1. Removal of Doshas through a Strong Ascendant (Bali Lagna)
✅ Without a strong ascendant (bali lagna), any auspicious task remains ineffective.
🔹 Sutra:
"Lagnaveeryam vinaa yatra yatkarma kriyate budhaih।
Tatphalam vilayam yaati grishme kusaritaa yathaa॥"
📌 Meaning:
If an action is performed without a strong ascendant, its results are lost, just like a river drying up in the summer.
✅ If the ascendant is strong, all doshas (defects) are removed.
🔹 Sutra:
"Sarve doshah vinashyanti lagnashuddhiryadaa bhavet॥"
📌 Meaning:
When the ascendant is strong and pure, all doshas are destroyed.
2. Defect-Removing Planetary Positions
✅ Jupiter (Guru), Venus (Shukra), and Mercury (Budha) are powerful in nullifying doshas.
🔹 If Jupiter is placed in a Kendra (1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th house) or Trikona (5th or 9th house), the Sun is in the 11th house, and the Ascendant or Moon is Vargottama (holding the same sign in both birth and divisional charts), then all doshas are nullified.
🔹 If the Moon is in the 11th house, then even Navamsha (D9 divisional chart) defects are removed.
🔹 If the ascendant lord (Lagnesh) or Navamshesh (lord of the ascendant in Navamsha) is in the 11th house, the defects are destroyed just as a heap of cotton burns in fire.
✅ Special positions of Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter remove planetary defects.
🔹 Sutra:
"Trikone kendra va madanarahite doshashatakam haret saumyah।
Shukro dvigunamapi laksham suraguru bhavedaye॥"
📌 Meaning:
- If Mercury (Budha) is in a Kendra or Trikona, it removes 100 doshas.
- If Venus (Shukra) is in a Kendra or Trikona, it removes 1,000 doshas.
- If Jupiter (Guru) is in a Kendra or Trikona, it removes 100,000 doshas.
3. Removal of Inauspicious Doshas through Benefic Yogas
✅ If Mercury, Jupiter, or Venus are placed in a Kendra or Trikona, they nullify the following defects:
- Lupta Samvatsara (lost year)
- Ayan (seasonal irregularities)
- Ritu (seasonal imbalances)
- Rikta Tithi (empty lunar dates)
- Adhika/Kshaya Masa (extra or deficient lunar months)
- Dagdha Tithi (burnt lunar dates)
- Defects caused by malefic planets
🔹 Sutra:
"Avdayananrittutithi masa bhapakshadagdhathithyandhakaana vaghiraangamukhashcha doshah।
Nashyanti vidguru shiteshviha kendrakoṇo tadvachcha paapavidhu yuktanavamshadoshah॥"
📌 Meaning:
If Mercury, Jupiter, or Venus are in a Kendra or Trikona, then all these defects are nullified.
Reference: The Importance of Lagna (Ascendant) in Muhurta Chintamani
In Muhurta Shastra, the ascendant (Lagna) is considered extremely important. After verifying the Panchanga (Hindu almanac), Lagna Shuddhi (purification of the ascendant) is necessary for any auspicious work. If a strong ascendant and benefic yogas are present, thousands of doshas can be removed. According to Muhurta Chintamani, in a 24-hour period, only 4 to 8 truly auspicious muhurta exist, which must be selected based on an individual’s birth chart.
1. Removal of Defects through a Strong Ascendant
(अ) Sanskrit Verse on the Importance of a Strong Ascendant
🔹 Sutra:
"Lagnaveeryam vinaa yatra yatkarma kriyate budhaih।
Tatphalam vilayam yaati grishme kusaritaa yathaa॥"
📌 Meaning:
If an action is performed without a strong ascendant, its results become futile, just like a river drying up in the summer.
🔹 Additional Sutra:
"Sarve doshah vinashyanti lagnashuddhiryadaa bhavet॥"
📌 Meaning:
When the ascendant is strong, all defects disappear.
2. Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury Remove Defects
🔹 Sutra:
"Kendre koṇe jeeva aaye ravi lagne chandre vaapi vargottame va।
Sarve doshah nashamaayanti chandra labhe tadvamuhurt naavamsha doshah॥"
📌 Meaning:
If Jupiter is in a Kendra or Trikona, the Sun is in the 11th house, and the ascendant or Moon is Vargottama, all doshas are removed. If the Moon is in the 11th house, Navamsha (D9 chart) defects are also nullified.
📌 According to Muhurta Chintamani, a strong and auspicious ascendant, along with benefic planetary yogas, can nullify thousands of doshas and create a highly auspicious muhurta.
BY-Renowned Astrologer palmist and vastu Since the 1972-9424446706; Bangalore
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